Just Magnetized - Stardust Eye Makeup set2K BOM & UNIVERSAL layers for Lelutka EVO X.Modular and tintable shadows with eyelinersOut now @ The Magical Fair Event 🔥📌TP: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shadow%20AngeI/134/149/22
Enjoy Second Life styling with Justyna Magne
Just Magnetized - Astoria Eyebrows2K BOM & UNIVERSAL layers for Lelutka EVO X.Out now @ Astrophe Event TP:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Astrophe/162/83/22
Outfit details:Body:Hair: NO.MATCH_NO_TRANSFORMATION Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Estelle Hairbase EVO X.Hairstreaks: Just Magnetized - Yvonne Streaks LeL EVO X. White Face Base & Contour: Just Magnetized - Ghost Face Evo X. Brows: Just Magnetized - Minerva Eyebrows EVO X. Eyeshadow: Just Magnetized - Inferno Eyeshadow EVO X Eyes: Avi Glam. - Carol Eyes - FatpackTats: Macabra - Azreth Tattoo / Insana Full TattooNails: [Black Lotus] Claw nails mesh -
Outfit details:Body:Hair: NO.MATCH_NO_MYSTERY White Face Base & Contour: Just Magnetized - Ghost Face Evo X. Brows: Just Magnetized - Psyche Eyebrows EVO X. Eyeshadow: Just Magnetized - Sundew Eyeshadow EVO X Eyes: Avi Glam. - Infatuation Eyes - FatpackTats: Macabra - Cimeries Tattoo / Asterin Tattoo EvoX Clothing:Top: RENIE : [Reborn] Kira Shrug Bra: RENIE : [Reborn Squished] Kira Bikini Top Skirt: Bipolar - Liya Skirt Tights: rotten {rodent tights}
The Freak Show! 🎈 Outfit details:Body:Hair: PADO // pumpkin hair White Face Base: Just Magnetized - Ghost Face Evo X. - Face BaseMakeup: Just Magnetized - The Freak Show Evo X. Eyes: Avi Glam. Energy Eyes - FatpackBlush: Just Magnetized - Dolce Cheek Blush EVO XLips: Top1salon - HD Penny LipstickTats: Macabra - Freak Tattoo @ Sabbath EventNails: [Black Lotus] Claw nails Clothing:Dress: ERSCH - Sailorita Heels: CryBunBun - Main Character Heels Accessories:Hat &
Just Magnetized - The Freak Show Lelutka EVO x.Modular makeup set, BOM and Universal layers.Extra GIFT - Tears & Eyebrow TattooTonight at Sabbath Event Bday round!Teleport here:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SABBATH/153/84/26Pack includes:* 8 Eyebrows * 8 Eyeshadows* 8 Eye liners* 8 Nose blushes* Eyebrow highlighter and * Eye corner highlighter - separately.The product
Outfit details:Body:Hair: .NONNATIVE - C.A CUPID HAIRSTYLE Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Estelle Hairbase EVO XEyebrows: Just Magnetized - Psyche Eyebrows EVO X. Liner: Just Magnetized - The Countess EyelinerEyueshadow: Just Magnetized - Gehenna EVO X. Eyes: Avi Glam. Supermodel Eyes - FatpackBlush: Just Magnetized - Dolce Cheek Blush EVO XContour: Just Magnetized - Ghost Face
Outfit details:Body:Hair: Mnt:// Paige hairHairbase: Just Magnetized - Estelle Hairbase EVO X. Eyebrows: Just Magnetized - Ursula Eyebrows Eyeshadow & liner: Just Magnetized - Gehenna EVO X. Eyes: Avi Glam. Supermodel Eyes - FatpackContour: Just Magnetized - Ghost Face Evo X. Tats: Macabra - Ozul Full Tattoo / Macabra - Belethia Tattoo (leg only) Nails: [Black Lotus] Coffin nails / Barques Clothing:Outfit: AVEC
Just Magnetized - Psyche EyebrowsBOM & UNIVERSAL layers for Lelutka EVO X.Product informations:* 3 shapes to choose - each in bold and soft version* 9 colors - possible to tint / recolor* Tintable under-shadow layer - helps in smooth matching with your skin toneVisit Mainstore:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Air%20Tides/192/96/1803
Just Magnetized - Ursula Eyebrows Modular & tintable eyebrows kitBOM & UNIVERSAL layers for Lelutka EVO X.Details: https://flic.kr/p/2q7VqPvProduct informations:* Black and White tintable versions included* 8 ready to use colors in two versions* Separated layers to match:- eyebrow base - brow hair - 3d shine - under-shadow / highlight*
Just Magnetized - Ghost FaceModular & tintable face-shadow kitBOM & UNIVERSAL layers for Lelutka EVO X.Pack includes:▪ Brightening full face layer▪ Separated layers to mix & match for eyes & nose, lips, cheekbones, ears and under-chin.▪ Black and Tintable versions to chooseThe product is available in a BOM
Just Magnetized - Victoria EyebrowsBOM & UNIVERSAL layers for Lelutka EVO X. Pack includes:▪ 16 eyebrow colors▪ 2 versions - soft and bold ▪ Extra Undershadow - helps match your skin toneThe product is available in a BOM version as well as a UNIVERSAL layer - created for those who
Just Magnetized - The Countess EyelinerBOM & UNIVERSAL layers for Lelutka EVO X.Pack includes:▪ 3 styles of eyeliner in 4 variations▪ 2 versions - soft and bold tail▪ Extra mole included - left & right sideThe product is available in a BOM version as well as a UNIVERSAL
Just Magnetized - Bleached EyebrowsUnisex modular eyebrowsBOM layers for Lelutka EVO X.Visit Mainstore:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Air%20Tides/192/96/1803
Outfit details:Body:Hair: TRUTH Collective / Shuri / Eyebrows: Just Magnetized - Victoria Eyebrows EVO XEyeshadow: Just Magnetized - Gehenna EVO X.Eyes: Avi Glam. Beachday Eyes PackContour: Just Magnetized - Ghoul Contour EVO X. Chest tats: Just Magnetized - EGOTISM Tattoo Belly tats: Macabra - Besties Tattoo Nails: [Black Lotus] Claws nails Clothing:Top: +WORN+ Abyss Top Waifu Gloves: Lydie Fishnet Gloves / Long - Ripped
Outfit details:Body:Ponytail: .: fiore :. Tommi Pony - JetBlackHairbase: Just Magnetized - Estelle / Yvonne Hairbase LeL EVO X.Eyebrows: Just Magnetized - Victoria Eyebrows EVO X. Eyeshadow: Just Magnetized - Elvira Eyeshadow Lelutka EVO X Eyeliner: Just Magnetized - The Countess Eyeliner Eyes: Avi Glam. Loveable Eyes - FatpackNose blush: Just Magnetized - Mimi Nose Blush Evo X. Blush: Just
Outfit details:Body:Hair: Ade - Sadie Braids: RAMA.SALON - Add-on Becca Hair Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Estelle Hairbase Eyebrows: Just Magnetized - Victoria Eyebrows Eyeliner: Just Magnetized - The Countess Eyeliner Eyes: Avi Glam. Gallant Eyes Pack Tattoos: Macabra - Besties / Bewitched Tongue: [The DeadBoy] Morus Tongue Outfit:Coat: [COMPLEX] LAZY COAT Pants: TECHNOFOLK_Noise Pants Accessories:Glasses: -MONCADA PARIS- Sekhmet Eyewear UnisexNecklace: UKIYO : ianthe necklace
Outfit details:Body:Hair: DOUX - Chi Hairstyle Eyebrows: Just Magnetized - Bleached Eyebrows Evo X. Eyeliner & mole : Just Magnetized - The Countess Eyeliner @ ACCESS EventEyes: Avi Glam. Expressive Eyes - FatpackContour: Just Magnetized - Ghoul Contour EVO X. Blush: Just Magnetized - Rose Blush ACCESS GIFT @ ACCESS EventLipstick: TOP1SALON - HD DARKNESS LIPSTICK Outfit:Blazer & Skirt: :Dernier: "Kris" Accessories:Hat: :Dernier:
Outfit details:Body:Hair: !!FAT BONUS!! tram N0525 Brows: Just Magnetized - Bleached Eyebrows Evo X. @ Sabbath EventEyes: Avi Glam - Nebula EyesEye makeup: Just Magnetized - Lydia Eyeshadow EVO X Nails: [Black Lotus] Claw nails - mattes Tattoo torso: Macabra - Malefique Full Tattoo Tattoo legs: Macabra - Amaris Tattoo (leg only) Outfit:Outfit: :[Petrichor & Eersh]:- Vampera Accessories:Mask: :[Petrichor & Eersh]:-
Outfit details:Body:Hair: !!fat bonus!! tram N0308 hair Eyebrows: Just Magnetized - Bleached Eyebrows Evo X. @ Sabbath EventEyes: Avi Glam. Sympathy Eyes - FatpackEyeshadow: Just Magnetized - Gehenna EVO X. Contour: Just Magnetized - Ghoul Contour EVO X. Tattoo: Macabra - Belethia Full Tattoo Outfit:Top: TECHNOFOLK_Deathcrush T - Shirt Skirt: CryBunBun - Baby Tornado - Black - Skirt Accessories:Septum: Kibitz - Bead ring
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