

BODY: hair : lamb for collab88  | skin : Essences | eyes: *JeSyLiLO* hairbase & lipstick & beauty marks & brows (soon): Just Magnetized   CLOTHING:  Shirt & skirt: The Secret Store for Collab88 | shoes: Violent Seduction  for TSS ACCESORIES: glasses: TSG  |  crown & necklace & r.hand rings: LaGyo for Collab 88 |



BLK2.0 - 7 extra patterns VERSOV shoes  available only at THE SHOWROOM  ~~ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/justyna.magne ~~   ~~follow my blog:  http://justmagnetized.blogspot.com/~~



BLK2.0 - VERSOV SHOES  Hey guys :) Balkanik 2.0 have for You New VERSOV shoes :) Come and grab the demo :) Hope that You like it! teleport at our Store : Balkanik 2.0 demo at marketplace : Balkanik 2.0 Marketplace ~~ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/justyna.magne ~~   ~~follow my blog:  http://justmagnetized.blogspot.com/~~



BODY: hair : Moon  | skin : Glance harbase & brows (soon): Just Magnetized   CLOTHING:  sweater: Zenith  |  leggins:  Fashionably Dead |  boots:  Bleich ACCESORIES:  glasses: CO Fifty-Seven   |  septum: Just Magnetized   headband & ring & clutch: LaGyo  |  necklace: Maxi Gossamer ~~ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/justyna.magne ~~   ~~follow my blog:  http://justmagnetized.blogspot.com/~~



Balkanik2.0 is re-opeining its doors ! Feel free to stop by and visit the new look of your favorite store. You can find the same items in an enhanced ambient :) Don't forget to join our subscriber to be updated about upcoming and new releases visit us here:

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