CLOTHES: body suit new!: Luck Inc. for: The Boobies Show | shoes: Vive9 BODY: skin & skin & boobie applier : {Meghindo's} | hands & feets: SLink | boobies: Lola's tango | mesh phat azz (mesh butt!!) soon!: Luck Inc. | hair: Pelle | eyes: Ikon | lashes: Maxi Gossamer
Enjoy Second Life styling with Justyna Magne
Archive for
August 2013
CLOTHES: roaring night clothes new!: Fashionably Dead for: Collabor 88 | tights: Izzie's | shoes: Steffen Garcia BODY: skin appliers & skin soon! : the Skinnery for The Arcade | hands & feets: SLink | hair new!: Liquence | eyes: ikon | lashes: Maxi Gossamer MAKE UP: liner: Glam Affair |
CLOTHES: cardigan with shirt: Pumpkin | pants new!: chronokit | boots: Lucien Marcelo BODY: skin : -Labyrinth- | hair: boon | hairbase: Action | eyes: .id. | beard: Vika | tattoo new!: Zentro for: The 24 | ears: Mandala | hands: Cheerno ACCESORIES: glasses & earrings & r.hand bracelet:
CLOTHES: blazer: Steffen Garcia | shirt new!: Pumpkin | pants: iLLMATIC | boots: Tabloid BODY: skin new! : The body co | hands & feets: SLink | hair: Truth | eyes: cheerno | lashes: Angel Rocks MAKE UP: make up new!: The body co | nail appliers: Flair
News at Balkanik2.0 coming soon this week! (we promise :)) CLOTHES: hoodie new!: [Sheep Door] The Mens Depth | pants new! & boxers new! & sneakers: Balkanik 2.0 BODY: skin new!: the shops | hairbase: aitui | eyes: .id. | ears: Mandala | tattoo: ..:Freaks&Geeks:.. | birthmark: made by me not for sale ACCESORIES: cig: nikotin
CLOTHES: vest new!: Pumpkin | top new!: Lethal | shorts: Emery | sandals new!: N-Core BODY: skin new! : The body co | hands & feets: SLink | hair: DeLa | eyes: cheerno | lashes: Angel Rocks MAKE UP: make up new!: The body co | nail appliers: Flair
CLOTHES: dress: Paperbag | jacket: Emery | boots: Erratic BODY: skin new! & skin applier : {Meghindo's} | hands & feets: SLink | hair: [Detour] | eyes: .id. | lashes: Angel Rocks MAKE UP: liner: Glam affair | nail appliers: Flair ACCESORIES: gems necklace new!: Lagyo for: L'accessoires | chain
CLOTHES: sweater new! & skirt new!: Paperbag | boots new!: CO Fifty-Seven BODY: skin : The shops | hands : SLink | hair Dura | eyes: .id. | lashes: Maxi Gossamer MAKE UP: lipstick: The shops | nails applier: Action ACCESORIES: glasses: Lethal | cross chain & bag: [DDL] |
CLOTHES: top new!: /// offbeat /// for: SFW | leggins new!: Sabotage | boots: hoorenbeek BODY: skin : The shops | hands : SLink | hair Analog dog | eyes: .id. | lashes: Maxi Gossamer MAKE UP: lipstick: The shops | nails applier: Flair ACCESORIES: glasses (not available): Shade Throne | necklaces:
CLOTHES: shirt new!: ! NERD.P for The Mens Depth | pants new!: [ BarmaleY ] for The Mens Depth | shoes new!: Tabloid for The Mens Depth BODY: skin new!: -Labyrinth- | hair & hairbase new!: Action | eyes: .id. | teeth: wha†ever | ears: Mandala ACCESORIES: hat: argrace: | aviators: Redgrave |
CLOTHES: top new!: Overhigh. | skirt: iLLMATIC | sandals: Vive9 BODY: skin new!: The shops | hands : SLink | hair Truth | eyes: crash republic | lashes: Maxi Gossamer MAKE UP: lipstick & eyeshadow: The shops | nails applier: Flair ACCESORIES: glasses: epoque | necklace: Maxi Gossamer |
CLOTHES: blouse new! & skirt new!: Vive9 for: Collabor 88 | shoes: Steffen Garcia BODY: skin new!: The shops | hands : SLink | hair DeLa | eyes: .id. | lashes: angel rocks MAKE UP: lipstick: The shops | nails applier: Flair ACCESORIES: glasses & clutch: Swallow | jewerly
CLOTHES: bodysuit new!: Sabotage BODY: skin new!: The shops | hands : SLink | hair new!: M O N S for: The Black Fair | hairbase: p.c | eyes: .id. | lashes: angel rocks MAKE UP: lipstick: The shops | nails applier: Flair ACCESORIES: glasses new!: Glam Affair for: Collabor 88
CLOTHES: shirt new! (for The Black Fair ) & pants: Paperbag | sneakers: Balkanik 2.0 BODY: skin new!: The shops | hands : SLink | hair new!: Action eyes: .id. | lashes: Maxi Gossamer MAKE UP: lipstick: The shops | teeth: wha†ever | nails applier: Flair ACCESORIES: glasses: S o r g
CLOTHES: furr coat: tee*fy for: Collabor 88 | dress new! : the secret store for: Collabor 88 | wedge sandals: Kittens Lair BODY: skin & appliers: League | hands : SLink | hair new! : Lamb for: Collabor 88 | eyes: IKON| lashes: Maxi Gossamer MAKE UP: nails applier:
CLOTHES: vest new!: Ison for: Collabor 88 | dress new! : Overhigh. | stockings: \/\Cult of Belgar\/\ | chucks: CGG BODY: skin new!: The shops | hands : SLink | hair : lelutka | hairbase: Aitui | eyes: crash republic | lashes: Maxi Gossamer MAKE UP: lipstick: The shops
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