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Dear friends,
I wanted to inform you that Just Magnetized is a part of January Powder Pack event.
Besides my store in the package you will be able to find 11 more amazing designers which are ready to make exclusive items for Catwa mesh head.
You can buy a pre-order for lower price out now! You have up to 15 days of the first half of the month to purchase that months Powder Pack. After 17th of january - when preorders are sent to customers and full adverts of products inside are shown to public - price incereases!!! Don't wait!
I know that the packages which you will receive are suprise :) but looking at actuall designers... it's worth to get it OUT NOW!
Powder Pack is a monthly mystery box that will deliver mesh head appliers to customers. Each month designers will create an applier for a mesh head. These appliers will be either a hair base, eyelashes, mouth/teeth, eyebrows, eye shadow/makeup, blush applier or lipstick or exclusive skins! The first mystery pack will be for Catwa Mesh Head appliers only.
Purchase inworld:
More information: http://powderpacksl.com/
Facebook Giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/PowderPackSL/posts/1820313158243121
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